Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions can range from teaching someone the basics to sharping the skills of a professional.
Our Class Recommendations.
Coaching sessions have a strong tendency to be in person, and focus on guiding/training a person (or small group) to do something better. It can be general (as in coaching someone to play a sport better) or specific (as in coaching to dance well [enough] for an upcoming wedding.
In person coaching should involve an appropriate practice area. (I.e. the coach shouldn't just tell the student what to do without giving the student a space to perform and get feedback and corrections.)
Extra fees (as in - paying for bowling games) or requirements (perhaps - bring your own bowling ball) need to be mentioned clearly in the class details.
Coaches will probably get better ratings if they have backup equipment or a plan b (just in case). Example, someone signs up to learn to fly fish, but does not bring their own poll and fails to catch anything. The more popular coach will have a backup poll and a backup lunch.
(Re)Learning to play the guitar.
Improving your recreational game of choice. Like learning how to pick up your spares in bowling or how to drive like the pros in discgolf.
Learning to dance. (club, wedding, ballroom, etc.)
Finding a physical trainer to help maximize your work workout based on you. Your fitness, your injury history, your age, and your goals.