Trainers and Instructors

Lessons to Improve Your Quality of Life
Our Class Recommendations.
All About The Knowledge's approach fits perfectly with classic training or instructional classes. Trainers and Instructors post what they are willing to teach, when, and the price. Students sign up for one session at a time (or request a different subject be taught on the demand board). Easy. 🙂
The training and instructor category tends to be a little more hands on than teaching and tutoring. A first aid class, for example, might have a CPR dummy and bandages to be used by the students during the instructor. Instructors need to make sure the requirements and what will be made available are clearly stated in the class description.
Also See
Learning (or refreshing your knowledge of) trail first aid.
Learning to paint.
Learning to dance (for exercise, for dating, or just well enough to not embarrass yourself. 🤣 )
Hiring a personal trainer for a weekend while on a vacation.